Australia Webquest

This webquest is meant for  ESO. Three sessions will be needed to reach the final goal. 

With this webquest students will:
- develop the communicative competence when they talk to the members of the team.
- learn how to work in a team and to cooperate with peers.
- read and write real texts, and increase their vocabulary.
- extend their knowledge on animal life.
- be attracted to a different country with a rich and diverse wildlife.
- learn to be understanding and tolerant of other people as they work in a team.
- help them to talk in front of an audience when they present the final result of the webquest.

The way the teaching period will be distributed is like this:
1st Session is for the research on the internet with the web sites provided.
2nd Session is for the reading of the necessary information and the writing of the presentation.
3rd Session is for the presentations and the opinions on them of the students.

Animals share their life with us, they give us company and some, protection. We read about them and watch them on TV. We enjoy having them in our houses so much that for some people they are necessary.
Australia is wellknown for the abundance of wildlife, being the kangaroo the most typical animal of this country. This animal is unique to Australia  and with this webquest you are going to find the answer to all the questions you may have about this animal which is so cute and funny and has become so emblematic of Australia.

You, together with tree other classmates, are going to work in a team to select what you want to learn about the kangaroo. You do the research with the web sites you are given or any others you like, you become an expert on this animal, then you tell the rest of the students about this animal. Your work will be valued orally by the rest of the students. 

These are some of questions whose answer you may find attractive about the kangaroo:
  1. How are kangaroos identified?
  2. Where do they live?
  3. How do they move?
  4. How fast can they run?
  5. What do they eat?
  6. How many offsprings can they have?
  7. How do female kangaroos carry their children?
  8. How far can they jump?
  9. What is the pouch female kangaroos have for?
  10. What interesting facts did you find out?
They are just examples of questions whose answer you want to know, you can add those you like to satisfy your curiosity. 

These is what you have to do to accomplish the webquest:
- Consider for a while what would you like to know about kangaroos.
- Surf the web sites you are given under “Resources”.
- Read the previous questions and see if that is what you want to find out.
- Write down the details when you browse the web sites so that you can talk about it later on.
- Once you really know what to find out about kangaroos, write down the answers.
- Share your answers and opinion with your classmates and come to an agreement with them.
- Come to a final conclusion with the other members of your team on what you are going to tell your classmates about the kangaroo.
- Adapt your findings to the members of the team so that the result is attractive. 
- Write a short summary on what you are going to present to your classmates.
- Do not copy and paste the answers to write the presentation. Use your vocabulary and write in a simple and clear way.

Don’t forget that you can find the answers on other web sites you like.

Your mark will be based on the work you have done during the whole activity, the structure, grammar correction and oral presentation.

This unit will have made you love animals and value the meaning they have in nature and the importance in our lives.
To sum up the effort you have made answer these questions:
What have you learned from your efforts and from your classmates findings?
Would you have researched about other animal? Why?
What is the most interesting fact about kangaroos you will always remember?