Exercise 0: Speed Dating Xmas, 2 minutes. Fondo y piano fireplace
Exercise 1: Write a LETTER to a partner.
Greeting card sayings you can use and Xmas phrases. Share a little update about you or your friends and family, send him good wishes, wish him Merry Christmas, tell him you would like to see him soon again, and you wish he had ... a nice holiday, many presents, enjoy his Christmas time... be positive!!
Exercise 2: CHRISTMAS CRACKERS. Watch the video
Exercise 2: CHRISTMAS CRACKERS. Watch the video
Material: wrapping paper 20x30 cm, 3 toilet rolls, a piece of ribbon, a joke... and you can get some Ideas for crackers in here.
Exercise 4: Speaking. A night in Lapland.
Exercise 6 How to make snowflakes.
Ex 7: Make a list. Write a name on a paper. Then, take a name and make a list of 6 presents for him.. Give a mark to the person who has made the list.
Ex 8. Xmas Kahoot
Ex 9: Simpsons
Ex 10: Hidden word and wordsearch
Ex 11: Christmas Quiz En parejas o individual
Ex 12: Easy puzzle.
Ex 13: Christmas Guide
Ex 14: Christmas memory game. Necesito las tarjetas, en parejas.
Ex 15: Christmas mime
Ex 16: Guess the Xmas word game
Ex 17:Spot the difference, Xmas Edition
Ex 18: Find the odd one out video
Ex 19: Put a finger down watch this video.
Ex 20: Put a finger down video
Ex 21: Would you rather? video
Would your rather? Or watch the video.
Michael Bubble song
Video 1. How the Grinch stole Xmas. The Grinch film 10 min
Video 3 The Penguins of Madagascar Xmas. 10 min
Video 4. Short film A Miracle this Xmas. 5 min
Video 5.The Letter. 1'30 min
Video 5. The real Santa. 3 min
Video 6 Hey Deer 6 min
Video 7 Justino 4 min
- How did the video make you feel?
- Which one word could you use to describe the video?
- What is the message of the video?
- Which title would you give to the video?
- What can we learn from the story?
- Can you summarize the video in a couple of sentences?
- Who would you show this video? Why?
- What is your opinion about it?
- Can you mention any other commercial you like?
- Was there anything you didn't understand?
- Could you grade (1-10) the video? Why that grade?
6. The Hedgehog 2018
7. Old man 2020
8. Believe in tomorrow 2021
9. The greatest gift song 2016.
1.Aldi. Christmas 2022
1. Songs: Sleigh + Fotocopia.
2. Songs: Rudolph + Fotocopia.
3. Songs. War is over + Fotocopia.
1. Just Dance: All I want for Christmas.
2. Just dance: Jingle Bells.
3. Just dance: Santa Clones Crazy Xmas.
3. Just dance: Santa Clones Crazy Xmas.
- What are your New Year's resolutions?
- My New Year's resolution for 2024... is to
- 1. get up an hour earlier.
- 2. pass my exams