1.- Write a TITLE at the beginning of each UNIT It can help you to keep the order and to know when a topic starts and when it ends.
2.- Copy always the page and exercise number, in this way you know what you are answering to.
3.- Use a pen because it is cleaner. And always underline the answer.
4.- Try to use different colour pens, one for activities and another one for corrections. In the exams use a blue pen.
5.- Check the activities when we do it during the classes. It can be useful to put a √ if it is completely ok or a X if it is wrong and write the correct answer down to know why you were mistaken.
6.- Stick or staple the extra-photocopies of each topic to have all the activities together, and to make them useful for you when studying.
7.- Put all your effort and interest in your notebook: don’t lose it, don’t break it, don’t damage it. IT’S YOUR MOST IMPORTANT TOOL and it will be an important aspect to consider for your final mark.
1º Escribir las parejas en la hoja de las rubricas.
2º Entregar hoja de notas.
3º Si no se presenta es 0.
4º Tiempo mínimo ⏰
A) One title slide.
B) Between 1 to 7 slides.
C) Insert images and write short sentences.
D) Take into account the deadline, if not it will be penalized or not corrected .
Optional: Music, transition effects, links to webpages...
- Content: 6
- Powerpoint: 0,75
- Fluency: 1
- Pronunciation: 1
- Vocabulary: 0,5
- Grammar: 0,75
- Body language: 0,25
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion
1. Introduction:
- · Greet the audience
- Who you are
- What the talk is about
“Good morning, my name is... I am a student at …and I would like to talk to you today about..”
How the talk is structured: Divide it in three main parts and then subdivide them into more if necessary.
· “I´ve divided my presentation into……parts”· “I´ll begin by ………,then/next/ After that…….,Finally…..”
Try to get the audience’s attention in the first minutes:
- · Begin with a question
- An interesting fact
- A story or anecdote
- A problem to think about…..
2. Body:
o Use connectors ( because, but, in addition to, moreover, as well as that, apart from…..)
o Emphasize important points:
o Using a verb
o Using WHAT or Asking Rhetorical questions….
1 3. Conclusion:
a. Tell them again what you said.
b. Using questions
c. Quoting a well-known person
d. Referring back to the beginning
e. Thank the audience for attending
b. Using questions
c. Quoting a well-known person
d. Referring back to the beginning
e. Thank the audience for attending
“Thank you very much for listening”. “Thanks for your attention”
Positive body language:
- • Eye contact to keep audience’s attention
- • Facial expressions should be natural and friendly: Always smile
- • Open eyes wide
- • Posture: stand straight but relaxed
- • Movement: to indicate a change of focus, to keep the audience’s attention
- • Move forward to emphasize
- Move to one side to indicate a transition
Negative body language:
- • Loss of eye contact: looking at notes, looking at screen, at the board, at the floor.
- • Look at the audience
- Nervous twitching
- Hands in pockets