- Theory: Video 1
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2: English4U. Fill in the gaps.
- Grouped by ending In groups PDF
- Practice past simple verbs in your ESL class with this song, Love yourself by Justin Bieber. There are 12 different verbs in the simple past tense in this song (8 of which are irregular): rained, broke, didn’t want, didn’t see, told, hated, was, tried, came, made, fell & felt
Voiced (sonoro): said using vocal chords. unvoiced (sordo): said without vocal chords
Verbos que acaban en -d, need, record, y verbos que acaban en -t, visit, want, se pronuncian /id/.
Irregular verb list here Ex: listen, answer, ask, change, clean, close, open, help, need, remember, smile, wait, wish, work, worry, try, look..
Irregular list in groups.
Abandon | Abandonar | Abolish | Abolir |
Absolve | Absolver | Absorb | Absorber |
Abuse | Injuriar | Accede | Acceder |
Accelerate | Acelerar | Accent | Acentuar |
Accept | Aceptar | Accuse | Acusar |
Accustom | Acostumbrar | Achieve | Llevar a cabo |
Acquire | Adquirir | Act | Actuar |
Add | Sumar | Address | Dirigir |
Admire | Admirar | Admit | Admitir |
Adore | Adorar | Adorn | Adornar |
Advance | Avanzar | Advertise | Anunciar |
Advise | Aconsejar | Affirm | Afirmar |
Agree | Acceder | Allow | Permitir |
Amount | Ascender/cantidad | Amuse | Divertir |
Announce | Anunciar | Annoy | Molestar |
Answer | Contestar | Apologize | Excusarse |
Appear | Aparecer | Appoint | Nombrar |
Approach | Acercarse | Approve | Aprobar |
Arrange | Arreglar | Arrive | Llegar |
Ask | Preguntar | Assure | Asegurar |
Astonish | Asombrar | Attack | Atacar |
Attempt | Intentar | Attend | Asistir |
Attract | Atraer | Avoid | Evitar |
Bathe | Bañarse | Beg | Rogar, pedir |
Believe | Creer | Belong | Pertenecer |
Blame | Culpar | Book | Reservar |
Call | Llamar | Carry | Llevar |
Cash | Cobrar | Cease | Cesar |
Change | Cambiar | Check | Comprobar |
Claim | Reclamar | Clean | Limpiar |
Clear | Aclarar, limpiar | Climb | Trepar |
Close | Cerrar | Collect | Recoger |
Comb | Peinar | Combine | Combinar |
Command | Mandar | Commit | Cometer |
Compare | Comparar | Complain | Quejarse |
Compose | Componer | Conceal | Ocultar |
Consider | Considerar | Consist | Consistir |
Contain | Contener | Continue | Continuar |
Copy | Copiar | Correct | Corregir |
Cough | Toser | Count | Contar |
Cover | Cubrir | Cross | Cruzar |
Crown | Coronar | Cry | Gritar, llorar |
Damage | Dañar | Dance | Bailar |
Dawn | Amanecer | Deceive | Engañar |
Decide | Decidir | Declare | Declarar |
Defend | Defender | Deliver | Entregar |
Desire | Desear | Despise | Despreciar |
Destroy | Destruir | Detach | Separar |
Develop | Desarrollar | Devote | Dedicar |
Devour | Devorar | Discover | Descubrir |
Dislike | Desaprobar | Disturb | Perturbar |
Divide | Dividir | Drag | Arrastrar |
Drop | Dejar caer | Dry | Secar |
Earn | Ganar | Elect | Elegir |
Employ | Emplear | Enclose | Incluir |
Encourage | Animar | End | Terminar |
Enjoy | Disfrutar | Enter | Entrar |
Establish | Establecer | Esteem | Estimar |
Evoke | Evocar | Exchange | Cambiar |
Expect | Esperar | Explain | Explicar |
Explode | Estallar | Expose | Exponer |
Express | Expresar | Extract | Extraer |
Fail | Fallar | Fear | Temer |
Fetch | Ir por | Fill | Llenar |
Finish | Acabar | Fish | Pescar |
Fit | Ajustar | Fix | Fijar |
Float | Flotar | Fold | Doblar |
Follow | Seguir | Found | Fundar |
Gain | Ganar | Gamble | Jugar |
Gather | Recoger | Govern | Gobernar |
Grant | Conceder | Greet | Saludar |
Guard | Guardar | Guess | Adivinar |
Handle | Manejar | Hang | Ahorcar |
Happen | Suceder | Hate | Odiar |
Heat | Calentar | Help | Ayudar |
Hire | Alquilar | Hope | Esperar |
Hunt | Cazar | Hurry | Apresurarse |
Imagine | Imaginar | Imply | Implicar |
Import | Importar | Impress | Impresionar |
Improve | Mejorar | Include | Incluir |
Increase | Aumentar | Inquire | Averiguar |
Intend | Proponerse | Invent | Inventar |
Invite | Invitar | Iron | Planchar |
Join | Unir | Joke | Bromear |
Jump | Saltar | Justify | Justificar |
Kick | Cocear | Kill | Matar |
Kiss | Besar | Knock | Golpear |
Land | Aterrizar | Last | Durar |
Laugh | Reír | Lie | Mentir |
Like | Gustar | Listen | Escuchar |
Live | Vivir | Look | Mirar |
Love | Amar | Lower | Bajar |
Maintain | Mantener | Marry | Casarse |
Measure | Medir | Mend | Componer |
Mention | Mencionar | Move | Mover |
Name | Nombrar | Note | Notar |
Notice | Notar, darse cuenta | Number | Numerar |
Obey | Obedecer | Oblige | Obligar |
Oblige | Obligar | Occupy | Ocupar |
Offer | Ofrecer | Open | Abrir |
Order | Ordenar | Organize | Organizar |
Pack | Empaquetar | Paint | Pintar |
Pass | Pasar | Permit | Permitir |
Place | Colocar | Play | Jugar |
Please | Agradar | Possess | Poseer |
Practise | Practicar | Prefer | Preferir |
Prepare | Preparar | Present | Presentar |
Produce | Producir | Promise | Prometer |
Propose | Proponer | Pull | Tirar de |
Punish | Castigar | Push | Empujar |
Rain | Llover | Reach | Alcanzar |
Receive | Recibir | Refer | Referir |
Refuse | Rehusar | Relieve | Aliviar |
Remain | Permanecer | Remember | Recordar |
Remind | Recordar | Remove | Quitar |
Rent | Arrendar | Repair | Reparar |
Repeat | Repetir | Reply | Replicar |
Report | Informar | Request | Suplicar, requerir |
Require | Requerir | Rest | Descansar |
Return | Volver | Rush | Precipitarse |
Sail | Navegar | Save | Ahorrar |
Seem | Parecer | Sharpen | Afilar |
Shout | Gritar | Sign | Firmar |
Smile | Sonreír | Smoke | Fumar |
Sound | Sonar | Start | Empezar |
Stop | Parar | Study | Estudiar |
Suffer | Sufrir | Suggest | Sugerir |
Suppose | Suponer | Surprise | Sorprender |
Talk | Hablar | Tame | Domesticar |
Taste | Probar | Tire | Cansar |
Touch | Tocar | Test | Probar |
Thank | Agradecer | Tie | Atar |
Translate | Traducir | Travel | Viajar |
Trouble | Molestar | Trust | Confiar |
Try | Probar | Turn | Girar |
Unite | Unir | Use | Usar |
Vary | Variar | Visit | Visitar |
Wait | Esperar | Walk | Andar |
Want | Querer | Wash | Lavar |
Watch | Vigilar | Weigh | Pesar |
Wish | Desear | Work | Trabajar |
Worry | Preocuparse | Wound |